banpluak Member


  • Get yourself to an endocrinologist and have them check it out and medicate you. There are more than a few causes and the best way to control it is with medication at first and if possible you will be weaned off it at a later date once stabilized. Unfortunately any advice on the cause or treatment for this is worth nothing.…
  • First thing I always look for is a genuine smile that actually reaches the eyes. After that petite and well shaped legs and butt. I live in south East asia so I am in lady heaven for me. lol
  • Just found this. Can't give a definitive answer but will say this much Ride a bike as my main exercise all the time (Between 300 - 400Km a week). I use a Garmin cycling computer to log this with heart rate, age, weight etc. I have also compared the calories burned to other cycling based calorie burn calculators. MFP gives…
  • @Machka9 Been looking in to Randonneuring for a little while now as it seems to suit my riding preferences, even though my weight without the extra fat is a bit high for long distance cycling. The mind and body seem willing but not sure if the body is capable of holding together. LOL I was wondering if you could point me…
  • I have almost zero access to the treats that I crave so for me a cheat day does happen. Once every 3 months or so I have to return to civilization, so to speak, and then I eat, drink and be merry. This is not just a cheat for the diet but for my mind as well. It actually revitalizes my efforts for losing weight and calorie…
  • The way I see this is a bit more simple in todays age. Many PARENTS are lazy in the kitchen and will feed their children with take away or unhealthy food as it is easier to do. Children then accept this as normal eating and their bodies become conditioned to wanting this type of food. Having said that there are far too…
  • Smart *kitten*. :D I have to say I am very surprised by that. lol (and that I hadn't even looked for it as well.) Having lived here for some years now I would be very surprised if that was accurate but it's better than I have now. Considering that the same ministry is talking about decriminalizing Meth Amphetamine on the…
  • I get what you mean there and portion control is a slight issue, but my main problem is getting calories/gram of a food as I honestly don't think red tree ant eggs are covered. Yes i am serious at the right time of year. lol
  • look at the Fitbit, wristwatch type, monitor. Prices here are expensive but it's the same for any imported electronics in Thailand.
  • Hot bath and stretching will certainly help. Extra water intake to assist with any inflammation as well. Other than that a light, aerobic, workout to warm the muscles back up and increase blood flow to the sore muscles. If you can find a Thai massage style practitioner in your area this is excellent for sore muscles. It…