CaffeineAngel Member


  • Or go to the gym for an hour, go home and sit on your butt and play video games :). I find a good game can be very distracting and don't really think about eating whilst playing one. It's Christmas so going to park a big bottle of water next to me and actually finish Divinity OS:2. (and maybe walk a lot as...yeah...) Merry…
  • I did ADF for a year and managed to drop 70 ibs in that time. About two years on not sure I'd say I haven't gained back weight, but that's because I've been lifting weights to improve body composition. I still do 16/8 daily because it suits me to eat within a six hour window and I feel sick if I don't exercise fasted. For…
  • One friend told me I looked like the chick from Bones, another like Clara from Dr Who. No idea what they're drinking to think that, but I'll take a double lol.
  • Just my two cents but honestly I wouldn't exercise to create a deficit. Reason being I've been there; last year I was able to create a 1000+ calorie deficit a day by overexercising and under-eating. The result? Burning muscle mass, higher than average fat % due to lack of muscle, mood swings and not having the energy and…
  • When I was fasting last year I'd find it easier to exercise on those days for a couple of reasons. First of all - the distraction. In my case I'd fast from 6=7pm the previous night for 24 hours (so 500 calorie meal of fasting day was at 6-7pm, and just black coffee, water or stock cube in hot water until then). Going out…
  • My stats are almost identical to yours, only difference is I do All Pro's programme instead of 5x5 (basically the same, with stuff like shin raises and an emphasis on muscle hypertrophy as I want/ need to build muscle mass). Oh and I use dumbells instead of barbells as I want to build up strength on my left side. Started…
  • Went to work, then gym even though it was later and there were a lot of noisy people about. I realised a month or so back my anxiety about people and crowds is overruled by my anxiety over not training my core in. I'm ok with that lol
  • And this sort of thing right here is why I find interacting with most people a pain in the *kitten* rofl;. Introverted with minor Aspergers tendencies, coupled with anxiety, IBS and OCD and admittedly I'm a bit of a mess until I get my "people script" up and running. I still think if the human race were more like cats I'd…
  • For any Terry Pratchett fans on here, I think Victor's attitude in Moving Pictures really sums up how I'd think of food, fitness and exercise. Whereas most wizards and students at UU are content with large dinners he views lugging the extra weight around as more of a bother than eating right and exercising. That's why I…
  • I have anxiety and am prone to panic attacks too. I tend to go to the gym super early as one of my triggers is sudden, unpredictable noises and there's a few guys who drop their weights and that scares the hell out of me. Also it means I can let my OCD go all out and line up my dumbells/ barbells without someone yelling at…
  • It's pretty confusing. I've been trying to work out my maintenance calories for a long time and not really been successful. Once any DOMs-related water retention went away (I started lifting free weights as opposed to gym machines) I started to realise I was getting a bit on the skinny side, not to mention over all a bit…
  • Heavy weights with increasing reps by one a week (All Pro's). I lost a lot of muscle mass two years ago through severe crash dieting but after three months on my current routine getting a lot stronger and feeling great (eating on average 800ish cals/ day and doing too much cardio is not the way to get healthy lol. Learned…
  • I've never actually exercised when not fasted. I just prefer to do it when I've just woken up, and don't eat until lunch several hours later. Not sure how useful this is (probably not very!), but just commenting that I've done three hour walks, weight lifting etc etc on an empty stomach for a long time and don't feel I've…
  • I tend to just work out early in the morning. I suffer pretty badly from anxiety and a crowded gym means a lot of noise, no personal space and a lot of body heat for me. Nothing personal, but heat and sudden loud noises (aka someone dropping weights) tends to scare the heck out of me. I'm also the only girl heading down to…
  • Just wanted to add this - you say you used to lift, your triceps got huge as a result so you stopped? Stick to lifting. It's annoying at first but once the DOMS water retention goes down and the fat starts burning away, you do end up smaller. It just takes a while. Saying this as someone who stores fat in her thighs and…