6pkOTurtles Member


  • I could use some new accountability buddies too! 27, 5'8 and I'm down to 159lbs with a goal of 130lbs. My highest weight was 190lbs. Due to disability, I can exercise very little, so I'm having to rely almost entirely on diet. Just getting back into the swing of it. Feel free to add me.
  • Not a senior citizen - mid 20's here, but I am disabled, so exercise isn't always possible for me. I have severe Rheumatoid Arthritis and I've managed to lose about 9 pounds in the last month. Might be able to share a few ideas. Add me if you like.
  • Not trans, but bisexual. Trying to lose weight and gain muscle. Add if you like.
  • I'd love some new friends for mutual support and general chat. I like getting to know people around the world. I've lost weight through MyFitnessPal before, but I seem to have trouble with making it a lifestyle change and keeping my weight off!