aleahurst Member


  • @SaraKim17 - it took me a while to answer because I suddenly "feel" that all my efforts are wrong. Not that they are, it's just a feeling. My nutrient dense breakfast kept me from overeating all day. However, I woke up horribly hungry the next day! Breakfast of a hungry person: All in one big cereal bowl: 10 almonds (helps…
  • I can do "ape arms" daily!! Woo hoo! I only did 30 today, but yesterday I did over 70!! The day isn't over either! Ha! Yay! Why do you miss swimming @RonFrances8 ? It's such good exercise! AND, nice to have your post! Amy @gillykh - Those times do happen! I am glad you decided to pick up your self and get back on your…
  • @rheddmobile - Alright!!! The pool floatie lifestyle seems to suit your personality. Wish I were there! Ah. Update: 35 ape arm exercises done! I put a little of breakfast back in the fridge. @happysherri - hey. If you are too fatigued to work out, please say a prayer for yourself and me and the others here who are…
  • Today I ate the most nutrient dense breakfast... I'll report back if it helps. Love to all. Lea
  • While I don't share her love of makeup (I'd be an allergic swollen mess), or clothing (I buy accessories and rarely wear them), or hair styles (I have 3 styles: up, down, and braids), I DO love the direction her vlog takes in the final 5-10 minutes when she equates food prep with self care. (I DO like her home style and…
  • @timtam163 - I love your remark, "then some life thing happens"!!!!! This is indeed a journey of self care. I must be going through a time because everyone's post is profound... Hmmm. @finngirl61 - "Let's continue to hang tough, and be kind to ourselves." Oh yeah. That's so good. @happysherri - sleep is such a valuable…
  • @threecheers20 - I'm glad you realized that you judge yourself harshly. Realization is probably step one to turning yourself around. You may as well be satisfied with your lovely self. Love is so much nicer than criticism. @rheddmobile - well. That sounds like a great vacation... er "job". Get some rest. Cuddle some dogs.…
  • Good morning everyone! My first couple days of intentional eating were interesting. Stacy's pita chips are best eaten while perusing facebook. However, they left me bloated and vowing to never do that again! Today, I ate mindfully and really enjoyed the food. It is 8 a.m. and I have not yet gone over my calorie allotment!…
  • RELEASED!!! Yes I have been set free :D :D :s Okay. And by the way, @jessiquoi is very good at helping a person get decisions made... I am releasing myself from the July record your food accurately challenge. I'm not emotionally able to do it at this point. INSTEAD, I will turn off all distractions while I eat. TV,…
  • @SuperDivvy and @MidModJenn - wow. I love the idea of having a reward for mindful, self-caring behavior! Perhaps a shopping day with my mom... I don't know. What else can be used like a reward? Pedicures and manicures of course. Hmmm. @nickiphillips1 -ouch! Car repairs! May your mechanic be joyful, alert, and low cost!! I…
  • Yes, @str8bowbabe - you will get back on track because you want to! That's the best reason there is! Just follow your heart. @rheddmobile - I'm glad you told what you prep. It got me thinking about ways to make all kinds of foods easier to have on hand. Fixing Quinoa ahead is a good idea And I could do steel cut oats that…
  • Okay. I usually ignore YouTube videos on food prep for dieting.... But I really like this one! Rachel Aust does food, minimalism, work out that I cannot keep up with... Lots of well balanced meals and good looking food. Love to all. Lea
  • After several days of being too tired to care, I'm regaining some energy!!! Yassss!! Ohmygoodness @finngirl61 - I hate tracking too! Sometimes... What we hate and resist the most.... Turns out to be our greatest tool for living. So, with that thought in mind, I'm inconsistently tracking. If you come up with a dynamic…
  • Yes! Go us! I also tracked today. Woooo. I got out of bed and put healthy foods into clean containers so that I can eat them more easily. I put celery into a pretty glass jar. Organic raisins into another glass dish. Carrots are next. Someone please pray for me, I want to get exercise this week! It's going to take an act…
  • Hi everyone. I have been reading and keeping up with all of you. I have struggled with my health being good bad good bad good... I was much more successful at watching my calorie intake last month... Huh. So not much to write, but still love to you all. Lea
  • Well. So far today, I have recorded every bite I've swallowed. How do y'all like that! Ha! o:)
  • Okay. I stopped to smell and enjoy my food last night. I'm surprised. I like the taste of steak. I don't like grilled broccoli. I love grilled mushrooms. I thought I would hate the smell of steak and love the taste of broccoli! I'm the autistic family member who, when going to a restaurant, shuts up and cleans her plate,…
  • @finngirl61 - posts here have a way of disappearing before you post them :( Especially if you are on a mobile device using the MFP app! Going straight to the internet page is a little more reliable, but not as user friendly. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! @katadx - that sounds good. I also allow myself some kinds of…
  • @katadx - I'm so glad you took that page! It sounds like you had a wonderful day!
  • Okay. @jessiquoi - record food for next challenge. For me, recording food accurately is an emotional challenge, because I am a stubborn willful child when it comes to keeping an accurate daily record. And I'm 62. You would think I had grown up years ago! Okay. LET'S DO IT!!! YAY GO TEAM!!! WOOOOO! What will the rules be?…
  • Golly I love that insight. @str8bowbabe - you rock! Weight loss yay!!! @jessiquoi - I'm trying not to cry at the thought of seriously recording food again. Since the water went so well, we should do that again. After all, we're good at it. :* Okay. I'm kidding. I trust you to be creative, because you are good at that!…
  • I found the above at hummusapien's web page and thought I'd share! @Autumn_Row hi! I'm glad you posted! @str8bowbabe - thank you for remembering me! I have been sick. It looks like whatever I have comes and goes in flare ups or exacerbations. Past one must have lasted 5 weeks. I got up Monday. Yay!!! Meal prepping appears…
  • @katadx - I sure do agree with what you are doing with your calorie counting. Life doesn't come with three distinct meals a day that begin and end at specific hours! That's insight! @jessiquoi - the water challenge was a much needed plan! Thank you! @wellnesschaser - I love love love the behavior of practicing gratitude.…
  • @finngirl61 - so glad to have you here among us! You are right, we each have a unique gift! We each have a unique need. We each have a unique body type. We are so varied with a common goal of wanting to maintain some "beauty" in each and every day. @str8bowbabe - girl, hang in there. It helps to visualize (imagine) the…
  • Well. Today I got out of bed for a while. I had coffee for the first time in three days. Im not sick from it yet! Yay! I ordered a new weed eater and it arrived. I just hope I can have the energy to use it. Watching my water closely has become a good idea. I'm not calling it a habit yet. @str8bowbabe - Look at you keeping…
  • Oh golly! I keep thinking of the movie "The War Room". Dang that was a good movie. While working for a living, some people caused really bad things to happen to me. I wrote my feelings down. I was afraid of it being read by the wrong people, so I shredded it and put it in the compost bin with all that icky smelly yucky…
  • @katadx - $2.50!!?! Wonderful! I love, love, love, the idea of no self body shaming! I'm going to be my best me. You will be the best you! We are unique and wonderful just as we are. Love to all. Lea
  • @str8bowbabe - wow. It sounds like you are doing great! My water intake is all I am watching at the moment. I'm also watching my oxygen level. But good. Nope. I'm going to eat healthy foods and not think about portions at the moment. Right now, I'm just working on the wonders of water. :) Love to all. Lea