abbi1017 Member


  • Looking for motivational friendships to help with accountability
  • Sounds yummy, I'm going to try it. Another great hack: Add a tablespoon or so of sugar free chocolate pudding mix (power not mixed pudding), to a 1 cup of cottage cheese. It may sound gross, but it is not! You will have a yummy, creamy chocolate dessert, without the guilt.
  • Hello! I'm trying to loose about 70 pounds, and would love accountability partners! I've gained and lost many times. I fall back into the same bad habits... usually skip the cardio and veg out with beer and chips. I'm logging everything in an attempt to find balance, loose the stubborn weight, and achieve an over all…
  • I totally gained my first year, lost my next few years :) now its time to lose.
  • Hello all! I am only 8 months away from my 40th!!!! I refuse to be the over weight and out of shape at 40. Truth be told, i feel more like 50, after gaining any losing any where from 50 to 100 pounds ( more than once :( !! ) I am finally ready to make life style changes. I have a family history filled with diabetes and…
  • Morning All, it is nice to "meet" you! I am a fifth year, middle school teacher, and I am in total agreement, I love my job, however... my 128, eighth graders, and 4 biological children make it very difficult to stay on the "fitness straight and narrow". I have managed to pack on 75 pounds in the last 5 years, by consuming…