Looking for a core group of friends

I am looking for a small group of fellow MFPers who have a similar goals. I am looking to drop 54-64 lbs. I take my tracking seriously, tracking everything every day. I keep an open diary and prefer friends that do the same. It's hard to hold anyone accountable if you don't know what they are doing.


  • RockinMBC
    RockinMBC Posts: 48 Member
    Hi! I'm looking to drop 30-40 pounds - and my food diary is open to friends. I'm looking to build a support network because I'm terrible at being accountable to only myself! You're welcome to friend me if you feel we're looking to accomplish similar things.
  • mrramsey1969
    mrramsey1969 Posts: 46 Member
    RockinMBC wrote: »
    Hi! I'm looking to drop 30-40 pounds - and my food diary is open to friends. I'm looking to build a support network because I'm terrible at being accountable to only myself! You're welcome to friend me if you feel we're looking to accomplish similar things.

    Ah a fellow wine-o. I have a 400+ bottle wine cellar right next to my treadmill LOL!
  • cjproietti38
    cjproietti38 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey! Today's my first day that I'll be tracking on here. I'm really dedicating and plan on getting my weight to 185 lbs.
  • abbi1017
    abbi1017 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! I'm trying to loose about 70 pounds, and would love accountability partners! I've gained and lost many times. I fall back into the same bad habits... usually skip the cardio and veg out with beer and chips. I'm logging everything in an attempt to find balance, loose the stubborn weight, and achieve an over all better quality of life. I'm not sure if my food diary is open, I'll look now. If it isn't, I'll open it. No secrets here! Good luck to you!