^^and I feel a bit reprimanded for apologizing to you before...but I meant it. Don't care what other rando internet people think
@moya_bleh I'm sorry for your upset. I don't know you, but Life is good...and precious Please seek help for your sorrow, you mentioned doing so before...DO deserve a happy quality of life
**** this world, indeed...sometime is what I think about when (trying) to communicate to other people.
If you have an interest in someone, whether you are a guy or a girl, you could just offer to give your phone number to the person. For me that would be less awkward, I'd feel less "on the spot".
Haha, I thought it was pretty! Mysterious. And you don't have to wear makeup. Breathing might be challenge.
I like Vega One, kinda a nutritional supplement too...50 % daily required vitamins and minerals, Omega3, pre and probiotics, fiber, greens, antioxidants etc.
sitting in bed drinking wine
Peanut butter and dill pickles on toast or crackers, sometimes with hot sauce too
The Shallows
^^This indeed! well said!
#1...still...kindness :) Also excellent oral hygiene, I'm into flossing And NO perfume/cologne
A food scale is kind of a transforming experience in understanding portions. I was shocked! If you like peanut butter or hummus, or chips (or whatever) and actually weigh the portions it is kinda sadly humbling! Honestly, doing your best to accuratly track your calories can keep you accountable, even if you go over in your…
I am older than you, and yes I have lost some weight. My discipline with food is not always great. I think maybe because I have been used to eating whatever I wanted and being slim. I also didn't weigh myself for a long time. My weight gain came in two "stages" at about age 31 I had gained to be about 130. I didn't weigh…
Same. Word for word. Criticized for being too thin, then when I gained a bit of weight I had 2 people ask me if I was pregnant. Very similar stats. Small frame and unfortunate body type (gain weight on stomach mostly)
Honestly it was sketching me out a bit. I went to the message boards "News and Announcements", as suggested by littlemissbgiff...there is a discussion there that isn't closed. Strange tho, the last post was Jan. 2014. I couldn't see a way to reply to the discussion so I emailed the mfp help. The picture of the survey in…
Just got my 5th survey request
Thanks :) I'll look again What an excellent idea! This is genius! I was starting to wonder if I answered the questions wrong and they were giving me a do-over
Vega for me too, I agree with the people above about mixing it tho, I use a shaker cup and keep having to swirl it or shake it before every sip.
Thanks! I laughed for real! Seriously tho, I checked the settings, and I have everything deselected. Do you know where that option is? I couldn't find it. Maybe it was in my inital sign-up? I got another survey request tonight, 4 in 2 days and I already completed 1 of them.
I'm really sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean to brush off your feelings. (I didn't realize this post was a reply to you) I'm kinda new and am still trying to get the etiquette of these forums. My response wasn't directed to you, but to the post I quoted, in a general (to me) feeling of rejection and or trauma (in my…
I have had 3 "surveys" about the forums requested by mfp this normal? I completed one...I would have thought 1 was enough I'm kinda this normal?
haha, all good wishes, right!
Thanks :)
Same, Me too!
Confess.. I have accidently pressed "awesome" to posts a couple of times when scrolling on my cell..oops Question: can you un-do that? (I'm kinda new)
Yes indeed! Well said
I still want to see New Foundland,Yukon, and North West Terrirories. My mum and I have started annual road trip (past couple of years), and this summer I want to do the US east coast
weird this is not "quoting" in my browser properly
I so desire to, relocate to; Canada but my lottery tickets're never, a jackpot winner but on the plus side I found $1.00 bill on the ground Tuesday, so I didn't lose any money; when I lost lol![/quote] lol, about the found dollar - hope its lucky for you! My lotto tickets I haven't checked yet. So funny we all want to go…