jholman38063 Member


  • Charles Wysocki always makes me smile.
  • Heavyset brunettes with a slight overbite drive me nuts. It might sound like a pretty specific set of physical qualities, but what can I say? I have a type.
  • Yeah, I'm sorry, he should be suspended. Never mind if he understood the health risk. He at at least understood at 5 that what he was doing would make the other kid's lunch taste nasty, and it would probably mean the kid went hungry that day. Not cool. And if he tried to make the excuse that he put something that tastes…
  • Deweyjiffy, are any of your disabilities aggravated by being overweight? That was the case with me, to be honest. Being overweight puts extra demand on my cardiopulmonary system, which makes my asthma worse, and being heavy makes my back pain worse. Obviously that made it even less likely I'd exercise. I eventually hit a…
  • You sound like you're on the verge of seeing what effects alcohol may or may not be having on you. I think 12 steppers call that taking inventory or moment of clarity or some other thing. (Not sure. Never had to do a program to quit stuff, luckily.) People without a strong urge to drink heavily will never understand that,…