dmschuh Member


  • I agree with the above 1) see your doctor to make sure there are not medical issues causing this and you are OK to do CrossFit; 2) could be you need to build up to Crossfit if you haven't worked out in a while? 3) again carbs before workout and protein for recovery (I am no expert, but that is what I did and felt much…
  • My question is this: Why do so many workout videos have such lame music?? Is it the copyright issue? If so, why don't all of the tik tok videos get struck? Just wondering ... it's my biggest gripe about the YT workouts (BUT they are FREE so I guess I can't complain too much!) :)
  • I used to have all of Billy Blanks workout videos (VHS - lol) -- he has a ton of tae bo workouts on YT - everything from 10min to full hour. Love Billy. Also, I like finding dance oriented workouts because if I wake up and just cannot do a workout video, the dance videos are the length of a song and I can do as many as I…
  • Yes, I agree - it is not "motivation", but instead making it as habitual/non-negotiating as going to work every day (for the working out/exercise component). There is nothing to "think" about or "decide" on really. I mean, do you "decide" to go to work every day or do you just get up and do it? To me, when I am in this…