cphillpot Member


  • Neither actually. I'm a tattoo artist and a democratic socialist. @mellecita love your collarbones!
  • First thought: Why is it a picture of a picture?
  • When people misuse or misspell certain words or phrases. Examples: Taken for granite. (GRANTED) On accident. (BY accident) Then vs Than. Affect vs. Effect. For all intensive purposes. (For all INTENTS and purposes) etc ad infinitum.
  • Same as all y'all. Single mom trying to get healthy for her kids. (Twin 2 year old boys)
  • I swear the twins did this to me! I was literally drinking half a gallon of milk a day when I was in my third trimester! It was my only craving. Just alllll the milk.
  • Oh and Fireball Whiskey. Yuck.
  • The Suicide Squad movie. I saw it. It had its moments. But overall I'd give it a C-. I agree with those who said Pumpkin Spice. Peppermint Mocha is way better.
  • So I did a little internet digging to see what I could find about this phenomena. This video could explain why a lot of us are having so much trouble. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySBaouIVjEE This video was linked on an article I was reading about exercises to help lessen the "mom pooch". I'll link that here as well.…
  • I had twins and the second one had to be delivered by emergency C-section. I feel like that has a lot to do with it. The area that I hate the most is right above that scar. And it's not a pretty scar either. Since it was an emergency they literally went hip to hip on me.
  • 5'10" for me! (Though I may look shorter because of my terrible posture, trying to fix that.) I started at 208lbs and I'm down to 199lbs as of yesterday. Happy to be out of the 200's, this time for good!
  • My mini goal is to have to wear a belt to keep my "fat pants" up. Goal after that is to get into my old pre-pregnancy jeans.
  • I was 170lbs before I got pregnant for the first time. I ended up having twins! The day before I had them I weighed in at 240lbs. I went down to 220lbs after having them and have stayed there for close to 2 years. I just started working out and watching what I eat again, but I've already lost 8lbs and feel better than…
  • Hi there! I'm Caroline and I am fashionably late to the party. I hope I can jump on board with you guys! I started watching what I eat and working out and using MFP to track all of that a week ago, so I'm not TOO far behind. Nutrition Goals: Eat fewer empty carbs and snacks. More protein!! Slowly decrease intake while…
  • @rainbowbow I took a couple quick photos of myself in my normal posture and my attempt at "good" posture. Can you confirm that this is upper crossed syndrome? I'm looking forward to trying the exercises you recommended. @Cherimoose and @SonyaCele thank you for the advice! I will try to be more conscious of my posture…
  • I'd never heard of this before but I think that may be what I have. My traps and lower traps are always sore, though the uppers ones are the ones that feel tight constantly. I definitely have the rounded shoulders and the forward neck posture. Thank you for posting these videos!