luvguini Member


  • I apologize for not having read the responses sooner -- *thank you*, Knit and Sunny, for your articulate and helpful responses. Blood ketones vs. urine ketones, apples and oranges. Slowly I'll catch on as I read more. Again thank you, and Sunny Bunny, there's nothing worse than seeing our kids sick -- and in the hospital,…
  • Beginners question: I've been doing a fairly strict keto diet for three weeks, or so. I use JustFitter Ketone test strips, carefully abiding by the instructions. Today I measured in the "moderate" zone of around 4.0 mmol/L. In searching online, I'm finding that this may well be too high. For example, according to "The Art…
  • Hi, Gambigirl and everyone else! I started Keto close to two weeks ago and am still figuring it all out -- and loving it. I have much to learn but am sticking to basic protein/carb/fat ratios, am logging my food intake and exercise, and so far, so good. I'm taking some supplements, as well and, most important, have ramped…
  • New to keto here, too -- started about a week ago. Still trying to figure out labeling, etc. I switched to keto from Weight Watchers, which means now little to no fruit (which I love), at least for awhile. I'm pairing keto with an intense circuit training class 4X/week, plus walking. So, many changes. Fingers crossed I…
    in Keto Day 1 Comment by luvguini July 2017