parish1990 Member


  • Thanks for the well wishes :) I see the last few years - after I left University to now - as a phase that I hope I can move on from. At times it was very bad and I was very low for long periods of the last year. I'm amazed at how much I've changed in such a short period this year. Will never dismiss new year's resolutions…
  • Aye... also you get funny looks drinking straight spirits as a first drink early in evening whilst trying to avoid calories and carbs :D
  • It might be good, at least for a while, to understand how it changes through the week responding to certain things. Sounds obsessive but for the first few days to a week when I first really started I measured a few times a day, so I now know that roughly before bed I'll be 2-3lbs heavier than first thing in morning, if I…