fbchick51 Member


  • There was a recent study just done that showed the effectiveness of a 2 week on, 2 week off diet schedule https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319474.php So no, not something you earn rather it's something we are figuring out our bodies just need naturally.
  • Ehhh... I lost weight and improved all my health test marks (cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar count) by following the basic FDA guidelines. My Plate was designed as a teaching tool for kids, so no surprise CICO isn't in there. But avg daily calorie count is included as part of the FDA recommendations.
  • Because once upon a time he read an article that said something that sounded like unhealthy and stuck to it. Once upon a time, eggs were deemed unhealthy due to their high cholesterol count. But turns out, with time and better studies, the cholesterol in eggs actually were NOT causing the high cholesterol levels in people.…
  • There's a MUCH, MUCH stronger correlation to wealth versus health. Top 10 fattest states Top 10 poorest states 1 Mississippi Mississippi 2 Louisiana Arkansas 3 Arkansas West Virginia 4 Kentucky Alabama 5 Tennessee Kentucky 6 West Virginia New Mexico 7 South Carolina Louisiana 8 Alabama South Carolina 9 Texas Tennessee 10…
  • Couldn't say from Zumba alone, but it's been part of my exercise routine while I've lost 25lbs. I just enjoy doing it, plus it's a great workout
  • I trust them to be what they are, an estimated count of the average calorie per serving size. But no, I don't trust them to be accurate because they aren't. Though I expect the highs and lows to work themselves out in the long haul and my weightloss shows it works. As far as intuitive eating? Nah. My body craves sugar.…
  • When I was in college, one of my roommates would have been fit the bill of food insecurity (Though we did a lot to help her out). Both her parent had died by the time she was 16, with no other family to take care of and help out. Rather then deal with foster care, she immacipated herself from the state and managed to…
  • Actually, in terms of ride safety, avg height versus weight is pretty irrelevant. The size restriction read as follows At this point, the restrictions make sense, though most modern day rides make weight restrictions irrelevant. A persons height can effect ride clearance (remember the decapitated kid) and make shoulder…
  • I agree with others that simply cutting down on rest is doing yourself a disservice, but that entirely depends on your goal as well. To little rest, and your body may be too worn down for any progression to occur. You may not notice it the first week or the second week, but it usually catches up in time. That said, as a…
  • Actually, I'd argue less, as the OP clearly indicates that he is using aids (Kickboard and fins). Kickboards are great for isolating the kick movements to build leg strength and improve kick performance, but it will actually reduce the calorie burn by at least half. Though, an expert swimmer it's probably more since most…
  • I like having a mix of both. Going to the gym is a great excuse to get my butt out of the house, but having a decent collection of equipment and tapes so I can workout at home when time (or my laziness) makes getting to the gym too much effort.
  • I love learning new things, so I really enjoy the workshop style classes. Costs usually prevents me from making them part of my regular routine, but they are fun to include when I can for a bit more variety. These days, I treat them as my rewards for hitting healthy milestones. I actually have a Cirque sampler class picked…
  • *How do you manage getting your family fed, stay on point with your diet, keep work demands under control, spend quality time with your children, spend quality time with your husband, clean house, AND make time for working out.* First off, I stopped worrying about what "other" people thought all that was suppose to look…
  • Partly because the taxes work differently. Federal and state cigarette taxes are taxed at the manufacturing level (meaning the manufacturer pays the tax before he can sell to distributors. These "soda" taxes are taxed at the register by the consumer. Why is this such a big difference? Because we can "see" the cigarette tax…
  • Many insurance companies are already creating and testing different styles of "healthy living" programs. Currently, the one I work for offers an incentive program similar to what others have described above. Ours gives points for getting health screenings and points for having good results from said screening (BMI, Waist…
  • Link to the study: http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2520627 NYT summary: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/02/health/study-suggests-lower-death-risk-for-the-overweight.html
  • I had similar issues last week. It just sorta fixed itself a day later.
  • Before this year, I would have answered never. But since modifying what I eat and being more consistent with my life time workouts, it happens quite often. Amazing what getting a decent amount of fiber per meal can do for ya! Speaking of, I should probably eat some lunch now.
  • I'm down 25lbs and still going with swimming as my primary exercise. I primarily swim on my lunch hour 3x a week (about 45 mins of a mix of freestyle, breaststroke, sidestroke. At the end of my workout I like to throw in a small butterfly set). Up until about 2 weeks ago, I had worked up to a full mile in 45 mins. But I…
    in Swimming Comment by fbchick51 July 2017
  • 1800-2000. I'd rather create my deficit with exercise and activities then starve myself.
  • Truth be told, even the users are all over the map, often posting advice that just makes me scratch my head. I don't think the success is all about the users advice. Rather, it allows for a wealth of information (including the bro science) that encourages people to tailor their diet and fitness needs to what actually works…
  • Back to the question at hand. If you are looking to thoughtfully/actively engage the glutes during squats, you activate them as you start your ascent. My power lifting coach called it the pinch a penny method. Essentially, as you start your ascent, imagine you have a penny tucked between the butt cheeks and you need to…
  • I use a measuring tape, but I only bother measuring about once a month. Usually, there's not enough meaningful change to do it more often. But it's nice when I have a month like last month, where there was virtually no real weightloss, but still lost a couple of inches overall.
  • Nope. For me, I find the cleaner I eat the better I lose weight (calorie counts staying consistent). 1800 cals of fast food or pre packaged foods for a week would leave me losing between 0-.5lbs. 1800 calories of cooking my own meals using fresh fruits, veggies, herbs and low cal, high protein sources (Eggs, chicken, pork…
  • I started strong curves about 2 weeks ago. Truth be told, I think it labels itself as a glute focused program as a selling point rather then actually being "THAT" focused on glutes. Other then the Glute bridges being included on each day, there really isn't that much that differentiates it from most typical full body…
  • The issue isn't needing a pause button.. the issue is needing an actual pedometer that tracks steps through body movements versus a phone app that translates GPS information into steps. Most cheap pedometers use essentially a pendulum type device to monitor body movements that correlate to walking. Phone apps use an…
  • I agree. Currently doing strong curves and loving it. There's also a bit more flexibility in a 3 day total body routine, which can be nice if you're like me with chaotic schedule changes.
  • I'm about 2 weeks into a lift first/cardio second routine, which I'm finding works much better for me. My primary focus is fat loss, so having a decent length and intensity to my cardio routine is critical to burn enough calories to get the CICO equation right. But when I tried cardio first, I found my lifting was so sub…
  • If it's not a hamstring exercise.. then please explain why my hamstrings are screaming at me, but my glutes and lower back are like Meh...that was nothing. (yes, just did them yesterday) Funny enough.. I did glute bridges today and they didn't even bother my hamstrings, which were already sore from my RDLs the day before.…