ThisTimeItSticks Member


  • @geminiswede @tigress35 can I add you guys, you're both similar heights and starting weights (although I think I'm heavier at present) as me, but I'm only just beginning my journey so seeing two people who have done it will hopefully be very encouraging!
  • Blimey this is an active thread! How do I get notifications so I can keep up rather than coming back after three pages of updates I've missed! @aleahurst about a week ago you asked me about my fruit and veg goal? I'm classing one bit of fruit/veg as one piece, regardless of size :smiley: I eat a lot of fruit/veg anyway so…
  • Thanks for the welcome! My SMART goal is to eat 8-10 pieces of fruit or vegetables each day; saying this I have a few other daily goals and healthy habits I'm trying to instill at the minute
  • Hi, I'd love to join in with this please? I'm not focusing on my weight (despite the calorie tracking and weighing in) so much as trying to be kinder to myself; I'm moving more because its better for me, not because it'll help lose weight. I'm only on day 2 (of the final attempt, cos it'll work this time!) so any and all…