glaurya Member


  • My New Years resolution was to get healthy. I discovered Keto and MFP and started on 1/9. My transition was very easy. My diet already consisted of healthy proteins, leafy greens and veggies. Just cut all processed carbs. So far, I've benefited from the positive aspects of the diet: high energy, better sleep, mental…
  • Today's lunch is Chicken Tinola a Filipino chicken soup cooked in broth with onions, ginger, chayote and spinach. This is my comfort food. My mom use to make it for me when I was sick. Tip: chop off the ends of the drumsticks and the marrow will seep into the broth for added goodness. Perfect for a cold, rainy day like…
  • I have been on Keto for one week and have not had constipation. Only had one day without BM but back to daily. Look up Eric Berg on YouTube. He has a lot of great info on Ketogenic diet. He suggest eating at least 7-8 cups of leafy greens daily to help with Keto flu and constipation. I haven't been able been able to hit…