erinkwr Member


  • Avoidance and distraction. The guy grosses me out, regardless of whether he texted his body parts and had phone sex. That just heightens the repulsion.
  • Great advice all. It is endemic here. Pot-luck lunches celebrating nothing but the lunches themselves. Then there is the anonymous Dunkin Donuts order, and sharing of leftover food in the kitchen area. Gee thanks: my boss will buy something for her cravings and then dump the rest in the kitchen for everyone else to consume…
  • Well, there are always desensitization injections...:tongue:
  • I am going to pretend I totally get what you are saying...
  • Wow. I haven't been in single digit sizes since junior high. I have the curse of being "big boned." I know it sounds lame, but it is true. We measured my wrist circumference and it is on the very high end of normal. If I drop below 130 pounds, I stop getting my period. TMI, I know, but that is a sign of unhealthy weight…
    in Welcome! Comment by erinkwr July 2012
  • Hey there...just joining. I am a size 18 now and want to get back into a size 10. Goal to lose 90-95 pounds so I can run again. I read one woman's post about the excess fat functioning as a shield, and I know that is absolutely the case for me, but I can't seem to articulate from what exactly I am trying to hide. So…
    in Welcome! Comment by erinkwr July 2012