LisG777 Member


  • 36/ F, 171cm OSW 127.8kg (281.75lb) GW 100kg with review once reached Day/Weight/Comment 04/23 - 127.8kg, tracked food, working on 1700 calories/day, medium paced walked for 30 mins 04/24 - 127.8kg, I feel like it's ground hog day! I played netball tonight so burnt about 500 calories (for a bigger girl I can still move…
  • Newbie over here, round one come at me 36/ F, 171cm OSW 127.8kg (281.75lb) GW 100kg with review once reached Day/Weight/Comment 04/23 - 127.8kg, tracked food, working on 1700 calories/day, medium paced walked for 30 mins 04/24 04/25 04/26 04/27 04/28 04/29 04/30 05/01 05/02
  • My little guy is nearly 7mths old and I put on 20kg while pregnant, I need to lose that plus more before we start getting again 😖