rherring2 Member


  • Hi all! I'm a new mom of a beautiful 2 month old. Stayed active during pregnancy but I'm still so deconditioned now and trying to get back to my pre-pregnancy size. Feel free to add, would love to have some new mama friends to inspire me! Also, I think my diary is open to friends. I've started planning a weeks meals in…
  • I also just started meal prepping and I'm eating soo much healthier. I make a spicy peanut sauce that goes great with tofu and veggies, which I pair with brown rice, rice noodles, or wrap it in a rice paper wrapper. A filling salad, maybe one that has some lentils or quinoa in it, is also a good option.
  • I'm pescatarian but only do fish once or twice a week. Most of my meals are made up of brown rice, quinoa, or lentils with veggies and tofu. It seems to be working pretty well so far! I also do protein smoothies with fruit and spinach for a filling breakfast. ilovevegan.com has some great recipes and tips on how to meal…
  • Hi all! I'm a new mom to a 2 month old baby boy. After a lot of days of being too tired to cook and ordering pizza, I've finally started planning all my meals and meal prepping once a week to cook every meal. So far it's working and I feel so much better! But I still have at least 15 lbs to lose. Hoping to stick with my…