I was referring to the Physician's weight loss program, it wouldn't let me fix the typo.
I'm 51 and needing to lose about 100 lbs. Please feel free to add me. 😊
I'm back again too, I always give up when it gets hard and beat myself up all the time. Makes me feel like a failure, like why am I doing this to myself, why don't I want to take care of myself and be healthy and why does all the bad foods have to taste so darn good. 😩
I'm an emotional and boredom eater.
Anyone still here? 🙂
I am also looking for some accountability. It's so hard doing this on my own. I've been on and off of here over the years but since my hysterectomy and hitting my 50's, my energy and drive have gone down the tubes. I'm at my heaviest weight ever at 282. So I'm back and ready to start this difficult journey again. 🙃
Ally here! Would love friends ❤
Hello. I turned 51 this year and it's been a rough one. I'm inching closer and closer to 300 and I'm just in disbelief that i let myself get this far gone. I've been on and off here several times, always give up when it doesn't happen fast. Then it's on to the next fad I hope will work. I really need some accountability,…
I'm back again as well. I feel so beaten and lost and like I don't know what to do. I keep going from one program to another and then get depressed when it doesn't work and I quit. This is a good community, lots of support.
Thanks everyone 👍🏼
Hi! I'm in central MN