ukhobnob1 Member


  • I would also add.. if you have not done so already get your Active Metabolic Test done if you are the member of a decent gym along with talking to a nutritionist. The two combined with a good app to track zones can also make a big difference. The nutritionist will give you a breakdown of fat/protein/carb which really…
  • Make sure your notifications are also set to receive them if someone comments.. that way you can look there. I just spend 2hrs looking for a post I commented on the other day, still have not found it haha. Seems like there should be a way easier method to find old posts :/
  • I did P90X and couldn't do one single push up.. after 3 weeks I could knock out 15.. if you do them every day, trying a few times a day even you will soon build up the strength. Do not do knee push ups. I just tried with the regular form... then after 3 days I managed to get one.. from there its basically stamina and…
  • I had the same problem when I started running, thought it was the shoes so I went to Endurance House here in Indi and got hooked up to a machine. I am a heel lander, which isn't a huge deal if you get the correct shoes, which I did. AND.... it didn't make a blind bit of difference haha. I got shin splints, feet went numb.…
  • I have a Garmin..I just added you both my name is Jaxster. I don't have any friends on my Garmin so would be awesome to have friends to track :)
  • I did the same... I had my active metabolic test, then I went to see a nutritionist at the same gym. I train in a group fitness 4x week. My protein is 160gr Fat 60-62gr Carb 90-100 gr. I now know my zones, so when class tells you to run at zone 4 you know exactly where you are supposed to be. If you are training 5x week…
  • I am on WW... currently about to quit due to the whole.. "We don't really want you to eat your workout calorie" issue, and the fact that a protein shake of 2gr sugar and 22gr protein is six points.. SIX!!!! Madness... WW really isn't great if working out a ton which I am now doing.. I just need to cancel my membership as I…
  • How do you tell if its double counting your steps along with the activity? I have the vivosmart is there a way to tell? Thanks
  • LOL this has been a huge topic in our household this week. I was on Weight Watchers and they discouraged people from eating their fit points. However if your exercise consists of a few gos around the block then sure you probably shouldn't eat them.. but if you are doing a spinning class 5x a week or some other equally…
  • From what my trainer told me they are all a bit off.. I find it to be higher on the cardio cal burn than my HR monitor that's hooked up to the gym. But that being said I generally start my warmup 15mins before class and then stay on the treadmill another 5mins after it ends.. where my HR monitor is set to go at the…
  • I recently (well 3months ago) purchased a Fitbit.. I am not sure if it was the charge 2 but I think it was.. I lasted 24hrs before I took it back and got a Garmin Vivosmart HR+ I felt like the app I had on my old samsung was better than the Fitbit. But I love the Garmin.. its so handy. I can track anything on this thing..…
  • Agghh just noticed the dates.. nobody posts in here it looks like. Shame.. but if anyone doing the C25K stumbles upon this comment and are also doing it feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Hi, I just started C25K this week and today I just did W1D2... needing some online motivation just to keep myself accountable and to meet some new people with the same goals. I need to lose about 50-60lbs which I gained from a huge move. So getting on track and going to nail this C25K I am nothing but Good…
  • Thank you... will go look at the C25K group in here. Ready2Rock Im pretty sure at the moment my walk and run is the same lol. I really enjoy it though even though I am sucking wind at the end. I have no clue whats going to happen W5 is it where you do the big leap? I have seen comments on that being one of the toughest…