How do you view other peoples diaries?
I moved in with a man whom made me feel as if I was starving myself. I used to eat normal portions with lots of fruit and veg. He refused to eat anything wholesome, it was all processed food. We worked different shifts so he made me feel bad for going on a run instead of spending time with him (aka watching tv). After a yr…
Activity is pretty basic really. I try to do 10k + steps a day but I've been super busy and have not made the time lately do about 8k.
I used the IIFYM website to do my calculations. I'm F/25/5'11"/225 I've lost 25lbs but have hit a plateau for the past month and thought I would give counting Macros a try. I have watched a lot of youtubers who recommend using the IIFYM website to do the calculations over anything else.