thuderousthighss Member


  • Same here, last year I lost 30lbs, haven’t gained any of it back really but I haven’t lost any either, I got off track. I have like 150lbs to go. Looking for friends in the same boat.
  • Very interesting, mine also curves inward, I assumed from the weight of my stomach. I can't sleep on back or I'll be messed up all that next day. I've just been doing those a few days, I wanted to see if there was another of that sort that I could incorporate that is more geared for that area.
  • This is my first week here, but super simple thing I have been doing is just baking chicken breasts, cutting them into little pieces, weighing them with my old spring kitchen scale i got at goodwill and putting them into snack baggies. I end up with multiple bags containing 4oz of chicken in each and then i can just do…
  • Hey we almost have the same goal to lose, I'm 359lbs and my current goal weight is to get down to 200lbs.
  • Sorry I left that part out, other info: I am 26 and I'm 5'3". I'm not TRYING to eat less than the 1900 is why I was concerned. I didn't know if I should actively be trying to meet that 1900 mark. I have been weighing and logging everything that I eat. Each day I go over on my protein allowance but the calories are still…