Pialove16 Member


  • PS all you need to do to add people is press on the username, then press on again on next page and it takes you to add, a little person icon on the right.
  • I am in the same ballpark to lose—too afraid to get on the scale right now. After much bargaining with myself I must face the reality only low carb works for me. Otherwise I abuse food with poor results and I feel horrible. Please add me for mutual support! Jen
  • Lacto veg here. Add me if you want! Recently started back on Mfp and what a great forum for weight loss and support!!
  • That is fantastic!! When did your start? I have about same to lose. Hopeful now!!
  • I started Jan 22 and lost 4.9# so far. I'm not a big exerciser, mostly walk my dog. I track everything and even go over some days. I was hoping to lose more but I'm not willing to drastically restrict my calories. So I'm happy with slow steady loss and yet feel satisfied. Big goal is losing the weight and learning moderate…
  • Have about 70 lbs to lose. Back on Mfp about 3 weeks after long absence. Have lost almost 5# so far. Going the slow route as total restriction not an option anymore. Learning to enjoy what I like in moderate portion. Mfp is a blessing! Please add me so we can support our journey to a healthy weight!!
  • Agree with above!! I'm a vegetarian who doesn't like vegs! I only want sweets and carbs!! But I'm in a good place now where I have what I want IN MODERATION aka portion control logged! alternated with more healthy choices. You can do it!!
  • 50+ in age and over poundage!! Joined on Sunday after 2 yr absence. Doing great! Feel determined after too many years of struggle. Please friend me for support. This is such a great app for support AND structure that always works for me. Let's do this for 2017!!
  • Been on about 6 years. My tsh was only mildly abnl and hesitant to take. Over time I did feel better, cognitive andpenergy level. I would love to report it helped with weight loss but did not. But essential for brain function and healthy metabolism!