anniehh17 Member


  • That's Great! What would you say are your top two suggestions to stay motivated to diet and exercise?
  • Hi! I have one day of food diaries completed (yesterday) and have today's lunch and snacks packed, tracked and ready to go! It is kind of a slow process, this food tracking, but I know its good insurance against eating everything that I happen to lay my eyes upon today! Do you guys have any tips for quick and easy tracking?
  • Hi! I'm new here. You seem like a nice and somewhat off beat group of ladies. Do you have room for one more here? These are my "credentials" I'm 55y/o. I've been pretty average weight to slightly heavier and getting heavier every day. I used the food diary here last summer but didnt stick with it. I work full time and I'm…
  • Hi! Good luck on your journey in 2017. It will be worth the effort:)
  • True enough Kaitertot. Trying a bit every day:)
  • Thanks Tryler, I can't stand being uncomfortable in my too tight clothes. I think I'm just fed up enough to succeed at this although I tried a couple of weeks at time over the last 3 years; but lose the initiative because of the little devil on my shoulder that says. "Go ahead, have another beer. How about some chips and…