kjwiggins868 Member


  • I was on Sertraline for only 4 months and gained 15 pounds. I told my psychiatrist and she changed me to Prozac. I have lost 9 lbs in roughly 2.5 - 3 weeks. I have changed my diet and have been exercising too. But sertraline made me eat non-stop!
  • I don't care how I will look. I just want to be healthier and lose enough weight to be able to conceive. I have two children already, but doctors want to refer me to a specialist and I refuse to go that route unless absolutely necessary. Right now I am unable to and my hormones are everywhere.
  • Someone here adopt me. I'm 5'6" and 222lbs. Id like to get down to atleast 150, goal weight would be 135-140. Horrible eating habits and I've lost weight in the past but not in a healthy way. I have a torn ACL so any exercises someone can shoot my way to help me not rip it more would be a blessing. I need someone here to…