cruztacean1964 Member


  • "Getting" somebody fired? I'd hate to think of anybody working anyplace where they'll be immediately fired for one customer complaint. Talked to, maybe. Fired, I highly doubt it. If that happens, it will likely mean there has been more than one complaint from more than one customer, which of course points to a much larger…
  • My gut feeling is that he's flirting with you, but I could be way off base. If you don't feel you can tell him to his face to back off or you'll file a complaint (I couldn't, myself) then maybe just go ahead and file it.
  • This day and age, it might be hard to know the right thing to say or do. What used to be polite is rude now, and societal rules do change. It would certainly be impolite to point it out if you had *gained* weight, so maybe people notice and don't know whether it's polite to say anything or not. I do recall reading…