Lost weight, nobody noticed :(



  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    You should be 18 or older to use this site. Once you have a mature brain, which happens after age 24, you stop caring what other people think.

    You have learned to eat as a healthy person should, and have achieved a healthy weight. Good for you now, good for you for the rest of your life.
  • Sam29a
    Sam29a Posts: 201 Member
    You should be 18 or older to use this site. Once you have a mature brain, which happens after age 24, you stop caring what other people think.

    You have learned to eat as a healthy person should, and have achieved a healthy weight. Good for you now, good for you for the rest of your life.

    I don't believe anyone truly stops caring what others think, no matter what your age. You may think it 'immature', but other people's comments, particularly people that you interact with on a daily basis, impact us whether we acknowledge it or not.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    24 is kind of arbitrary. Is that science?
    Anyone who doesn't care what other people think at all has a whole set of other issues, in my opinion.
  • justkris_gettingfit
    justkris_gettingfit Posts: 239 Member
    Recognition is nice, but having even accomplished what you did is even better.
    I'd be careful though, your sister sounds like she has the crab mentality, and if it gets to you too much you might find yourself being sucked right back in.

    The next time weight loss comes up, either table it, or change the way you perceive it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    1) if you see them regularly, small and incremental changes will be less noticeable
    2) if you have a lot of weight to lose, small and incremental changes will be less noticeable
    3) talking about one's weight or body in general is often pretty taboo.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    Sam29a wrote: »
    Get some new clothes to show off your new figure - if you're still wearing your "fat" clothes you won't look as slim as you actually are.

    Perhaps that would help. I wear mostly shapeless, baggy clothes. But I'm waiting for when I'm closer to my goal weight, that's when I want to wear fitted clothes.

    If you hide your weight loss under baggy clothes, it's also a little unfair to be angry and disappointed that no one notices.

    I can kind of relate, because I'm close to losing 20 pounds. I've had to get rid of some pants because they were falling off me. But I am covered in sweaters and such--I live in far Northern New England and I typically wear layers to work because it's cold in some of the rooms I work in. So not everyone notices and I would not expect them to. But of course I wish they would. It's always nice to have hard work noticed. :( But I figure come late May or June I'm going to really surprise people! B)

    What I've done is get some "transitional clothing". I went to Goodwill and looked for some clothes that will likely be able to handle me continuing to go down some sizes. I looked for pants and skirts that are knits or with some give in the waistline and/or Spandex in the material. Not too many, but something to get me through to the next size.
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    Look_Its_Kriss beat me to it. Maybe it's a bit of fear or resentment on their parts? As long as you stay fat, they are more comfortable with themselves but if you lose it might make them look bad so they discourage you from losing.

    Stay the course and do it for yourself. They won't have any choice but to notice and maybe at some point you can be an inspiration. But don't let anyone else's jealousy derail you.
  • hrush1889
    hrush1889 Posts: 56 Member
    I've had a similar experience, I lost 25 pounds and no family/coworkers/close friends noticed. I think its very possible that your family who frequenty sees you won't notice small changes. Where as if you see a friend you havent seen in a year, they would notice the change. I agree also with others posts about jealousy, being the thin one in the family they could also be jealous about your weight loss and just arent saying anything. Either way as long as you notice the changes in your body is what matters. Congrats on your big loss! you're doing great.
  • Laurie6578
    Laurie6578 Posts: 154 Member
    Sometimes there are lots of weird dynamics between family members. Maybe you just need to develop the "you do you" attitude and let her know if she needs your advice you are always there. Congrats on making positive changes in your life. You should be proud!
  • cruztacean1964
    cruztacean1964 Posts: 4 Member
    This day and age, it might be hard to know the right thing to say or do. What used to be polite is rude now, and societal rules do change. It would certainly be impolite to point it out if you had *gained* weight, so maybe people notice and don't know whether it's polite to say anything or not. I do recall reading something somewhere in an etiquette column. The writer said we shouldn't be too quick to say "you look great" when we notice someone has lost weight, because if it turns out the weight loss is due to some kind of catastrophic illness, things could get awkward. So, people might think it's rude to mention it at all. That's just a wild shot in the dark. I don't know what the dynamics are in your circle.

    And congratulations on your successful weight loss.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    edited January 2017
    Sam29a wrote: »
    Get some new clothes to show off your new figure - if you're still wearing your "fat" clothes you won't look as slim as you actually are.

    Perhaps that would help. I wear mostly shapeless, baggy clothes. But I'm waiting for when I'm closer to my goal weight, that's when I want to wear fitted clothes.

    Go to thrift shops and get yourself a small collection of fitted clothes. You don't need to spend a lot of money.

    Also, if you're not doing this already, check your posture and the way you walk. Standing tall, walking purposefully, and wearing fitted clothing can give a much stronger impression that you're slender.