nkweymiens Member


  • I don't purposelessly walk around the house for more steps; I feel that is kinda cheating. The only thing I do is purposely be less efficient doing some chores such as groceries. I go to 2 different and nearby supermarkets out of frugality. Instead of doing them together at once, I go to the first, then go home to unload,…
  • I wouldn't be opposed to meeting new people through MFP. Always nice to get to know people and I will probably learn a lot about living healthy through them!
  • Haha, luckily I won't need to do that anymore by hand. Polar has recently added MFP support for all its Polar Flow users so anything I track of exercise using my Polar device will be pushed to MFP automatically. At least it should, haha. Been going on walks of 5 km for the past few days. Seems like nothing, but I'm…
  • Hi, I just started recently as well and just introduced myself to the community. I hope to make some weight losing friends, haha. However, I think it is important to have, besides your main goal, smaller goals that have a short deadline. I always set monthly goals for myself. This february I have 3 goals: track everything…