zman10512 Member


  • Okay i can definitely do considering i currently run 4 miles a day should i stick to that and add a lifting program or should i cut down to 2 mile ruins and focus more on lifting?
  • i am accurate on the food i log and i am accurate in that i know i take exactly 200g of protein.
  • i apologize i am fairly new to forums. I didn't realize there was a my discussions tab so i thought my post was deleted. drawing in what people said from my last post tho it is my eating habits causing my problems. even tho i am already dieting what can i change?
  • Thank you for all the great posts and help so far! i am keeping correct track of the foods and my calorie intake. But i believe guys you may be right and the excess calories i take from the protein is too much so that is why i am not loosing any weight! thanks for all the help!
  • I am currently taking around 200g of protein daily with my runs i haven't added that to the calorie count but i am super determined to do this.... but i am unsure what weights and workouts to do on my own. when i was in shape i had a personal trainer 2 times a week
  • Hi my name is Zach im 19 years old and currently 205 lbs. I used to be pretty fit and was sitting around 185 lbs and working out daily. About a year ago i lost a few very important people in my life and i completely stopped working out. I lost all my muscle and shot up to 225 lbs. I am finally back on my fit. I have a…
  • i have been dieting since i started the weight loss...i only eat lean protein fruits and veggies..i basically cut carbs and im eating around 1000 calories a day so i should be getting passed this hump