Kelimek Member


  • I think most toxins are stored in fat and since you reduced your carb and fat intake you actually started to loose your bodyfat which had stored those toxins. Drinking lot of water and cleaning your face with non-alcohol based products should improve it. Just don't overdo it, you don't wanna end up with dry skin.
  • Same as Megan, proteins or vegetables make me fuller. When I'm starting to feel hungry late in the evening I eat 1 or 2 carrots as a snack or cottage cheese or small tuna in tomato sauce with lil bit of bread. Or you could try to cut down breakfast/brunch calories to build up a reserve for evening.
  • I apologize for providing bad calorie info on do-si-do's. Just added whatever came first and didn't check other options. 1 cookie = 160 kcal, so 1 container (3 cookies) = 480kcal and it was confirmed by 3 people. Anyway I've never tried them so no idea about serving size :)
  • I kind of doubt you get enough nutritions for 1200-1700 kcal when you eat 3 extra cookies. According to MFP 3 cookies = 480 kcals of mostly carbs and fat ? Once or twice a week it should be ok, but I don't think doing it everyday is a good idea.