Katie090307 Member


  • I did:) with my first I was feeding her for a long time and had very tough time losing weight but with second I stopped feeding her at 4 months and at 6.5 weeks post partum I weigh 27 lbs less then I did before getting pregnant
  • @Duchy82 thank you I will see how this next week goes cuz usually I lose 1.5-3lbs per week but this week it was more. I will definitely use ur advice on higher calorie foods if I need to bump up my calories.
  • @AnnPT77 thank you for the advice. This is the first week I lost this much in one week normally it ranges 1.5-3lbs per week. I haven't done anything different this week then I did in previous weeks so it was kinda weird to me that I lost so much. Maybe it will even out the average in this coming week.
  • @MontyMuttland thank you :) yea I feel like I'm doing what I'm supposed to but I was worried about losing more then 2lbs as I heard that's the max healthy way so that's why I asked. I eat what's recommended by MFP sometimes under but never below 1200.
  • @Tiny_Dancer_in_Pink Yes I believe it happened cuz I had a busy day so I didn't eat all day mostly just water and tea and towards the evening I just ate whatever I could get my hands on and that happened to be all very bad choices :( but like I said in that post that was the first time it ever happened to me normally I eat…
  • So I have to eat back calories that I burn even if I'm not hungry?
  • I haven't noticed any bad hair loss and I don't really mind losing weight fast I just want to do it the healthy way MFP gave me a limit of 1400 to loose 2lbs per week and an Active status
  • Thank you everyone for all the replies. I definitely did much better today and to my surprise this morning was even a pound down. So my question now is could a person be loosing too much weight? Too fast? Is that bad? In last 7 days I lost almost 5lbs and 30 lbs total in less then 3 months. I'm 5'5" SW194 CW164 I eat 1200…
  • Thanks everyone I really shouldn't have cut out fast food from my diet completely. I'll try to incorporate it into my calorie limit maybe once a week so I don't have another day like yesterday.
  • Yeah I guess you're right. I completely avoided it. I always cook at home and only ate out 3 times since I started loosing weight and even then I ate salad and today I allowed myself something little and ended up eating a lot of things I shouldn't have
  • If you just started this weight loss journey it could be just water weight. When I just started I lost 10lbs the first week. I'm also doing 1200 a day.
  • Yeah haha it's never too late. My first is 3 and half and 2nd is 5 months old but I really need my pre baby body back :)
  • Hi I would also like to join! I gained 75lbs in last 3 and half years with 2 pregnancies so now that I'm done having kids at least for the next 5-6 years I really wanna drop this extra weight. I started this journey 2 months ago and lost 20 lbs but now been stuck at same weight for over a week and would like some advice…