My pandora station 'Great Kick Back' is pumping out Modern English, Pet Shop Boys and Erasure today.
Popcorn and salads. I can make some super tasty, protein packed salads, with relatively low cals. Also, LOTS of sparkling water, with marionberry shrub. I made about a gallon of that a few summers ago, and it's SO GOOD with fizzy water.
I had a roomie with a totally flat stomach with a similar problem- it was fungal. Pretty nasty, so I know how embarrassing it could be. It can be tough when you have folds, not letting your skin breathe. Hope you feel better soon! <3
I feel your pain. The only time I managed to completely stop caffeine was when I had pneumonia, and was so sick I missed the withdrawal symptoms. Had no sugar for about a month, too. Then I started on small teas form the cafe under my work- he said it was an herbal blend he'd pick up at the restaurant supply store. Skipped…
EVERY DAY is a fresh start! Every meal, every snack, every decision you make is a fresh start. It's so great to have people who can inspire, and help us feel like we're not in this alone. All our journeys are tandem! It's super exciting to 'meet' people with similar goals. I went to a hip hop zumba class once. Had no idea…