Hello! I'm in the same boat. Need someone to tell at me every so often to not cheat meal so much... Great job getting up and running!
That's where I'm at. Done with it all. Trying to make some positive changes too. Just really hard sometimes...
I found out that there are certain carbs my body cannot process. This was part of my problems for fatigue and headaches. When I cut that food out, it helped immensely. When I cheat and eat that stuff again, sick again and tired. It's called the fodmap diet. You should see if any apply to you. Hope this helps. Good luck!
@JeromeBarry1 I think I will try that. I find that I try to make too many changes at once. I have the best intentions but always fail and get tired... Burn my self out trying to do it all. Thanks for the recommendation!
@Look_Its_Kriss and @AzmiAchilles . Thanks for your opinions and suggestions! I will take both into account. I do want to build muscle because I am weak and definitely want a more sculpted body. I have some stubborn fat to lose and I know it's because I'm eating to many calories and skipping the gym. I have maintained my…
@Pooshka2 that would be awesome! I have a crappy treadmill at home and a gym membership. I wouldn't mind doing a sync up! I haven't really started a plan yet. But I need to. That's how my brain works.
I also would love some friends on here for motivating each other!