JNM11 Member


  • Aha! Thank you!
  • Yes! Bad habits are so easy to pick up and super hard to break (at least for me when it comes to anything with sugar)! For me, it’s all or none. I don’t have a medium and can’t have “just one”. The one kicks of the crazy cravings and I become a mindless eating machine! Lol
  • You’re right, but there are rules....like portion control. I can’t eat just one piece of candy...some days that works for me but most days it doesn’t. It’s wonderful that eating a “deficit” of what you want works for you; unfortunately for me, it makes me feel like I’m depriving myself when the cravings won’t quit. Keto…
  • Thanks!
    in Keto diet?!! Comment by JNM11 April 2017
  • First day of Keto Diet and so far so good except every 2 hours, I'm looking for snacks. I'm not hungry but can't help myself....I haven't given in yet but it's getting harder and it's only day one. Any tips?
    in Keto diet?!! Comment by JNM11 April 2017