Starting Keto AGAIN!

Hi! I need help! I started Keto back in May and lost 15lbs in a month...then I started cheating...and then had a birthday in October and totally ruined all my progress and jumped right back into old eating habits. This morning the scale shows I have gained everything back (and my clothes are tight again) . My moods are crappy and I’ve stopped exercising. I need to get back into that old routine of watching my intake and forcing myself to exercise. I feel so good and so happy when I eat right and exercise, but I’m in a slump, and can’t seem to get do I get out?!?!?!


  • rach021979
    rach021979 Posts: 103 Member
    I understand the feeling. I was out 3 mo from swimming, gained weight, ate like crap, starting getting depressed..i finally had enough, started swimming again 4 to 5 days a week for the past 6 weeks. Now im focusing on my eating. Doing a kind of keto/low carb mix. 2 years ago i did atkins, lost about 12..then gained it all back plus 20lbs, ouch. This time I'm going to see if i can get the right mix of healthy eating, with low down fall of the extreme low carb diet is when you fall off, the weight can come back on quick. But, if you get back to working out, your healthy eating will follow, weight will come off. Good luck!
  • JNM11
    JNM11 Posts: 7 Member
    You’re right, but there are portion control. I can’t eat just one piece of candy...some days that works for me but most days it doesn’t. It’s wonderful that eating a “deficit” of what you want works for you; unfortunately for me, it makes me feel like I’m depriving myself when the cravings won’t quit. Keto worked for me, it killed those cravings and made it easier to fight them. I posted here because I’m looking for motivation and support to try it again. Thanks for your thoughts.
  • cheaplord
    cheaplord Posts: 1 Member
    i am in the same boat as you. lost a lot on keto but then halloween happened and then birthdays happened. i thought a little here and there would be nothing but i feel it adding up. Bad habits return so quickly.
  • 4kuykesh
    4kuykesh Posts: 26 Member
    everyone's body is different - I found out the hard way. I am pre-diabetic and really concerned about developing full diabetes. I was told the way to reverse it by my doc is to eat a high protein/high fat/low carb plan. I am trying my best to start and stick to it today. I also joined the YMCA and plan to attend regular cycle classes and weight training.
  • JNM11
    JNM11 Posts: 7 Member
    Yes! Bad habits are so easy to pick up and super hard to break (at least for me when it comes to anything with sugar)! For me, it’s all or none. I don’t have a medium and can’t have “just one”. The one kicks of the crazy cravings and I become a mindless eating machine! Lol

  • CryingBlue
    CryingBlue Posts: 270 Member
    I'm keto, you can add me
  • JNM11
    JNM11 Posts: 7 Member
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    JNM11 wrote: »

    How what? Add?
    Click the person's name. A pop-up will come on if you're on the site. On the app I think it's another screen. Click or tap the person's name again. It will take you to their profile screen where you can select "Add As Friend."
  • JNM11
    JNM11 Posts: 7 Member
    Aha! Thank you!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    JNM11 wrote: »
    Aha! Thank you!

    You're welcome. It's not at all intuitive. :smirk:
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    JNM11 wrote: »
    Hi! I need help! I started Keto back in May and lost 15lbs in a month...I have gained everything back (and my clothes are tight again) .
    JNM11 wrote: »
    You’re right, but there are portion control. I can’t eat just one piece of candy...some days that works for me but most days it doesn’t. It’s wonderful that eating a “deficit” of what you want works for you; unfortunately for me, it makes me feel like I’m depriving myself when the cravings won’t quit. Keto worked for me, it killed those cravings and made it easier to fight them. I posted here because I’m looking for motivation and support to try it again. Thanks for your thoughts.

    Except that it didn't work for you. by your own statement.