I'm a vegetarian, but occasionally some of my meals are vegan. I've also got a few friends who are vegan and on a budget. Really as long as you don't mind cooking and only treat the substitute foods as occasional "treats" it tends to be pretty cheap. My wife and kids still eat meat and it and the convenience foods tend to…
How would you know what they're awash in if you don't actually read them? You may well be missing the meaningful, educated and insightful comments because you're not actually looking for them, choosing instead to assume by default that you're the font of fresh, new facts. Also,
I've been here off and on since....something like 2009 or 10. Generally when I've participated in threads and offered legitimate, sincere advice, with a few exceptions, it tends to blend in with the crowd and get ignored unless I've expressed an opinion that goes against the prevailing theme of the thread. Most of the…
Gift him with a nice sketchbook and some fancy pencils from an art supply store. He might be so surprised and appreciative he'd draw just about anything you asked. *nods*
Can they be arranged in the manner mentioned above? I'll wear my watermelon bikini.
I've never wanted to eat fruit and vegetables more in my life than I do right now.
But still...eating fruit, so healthy. *nods*
Have you tried arranging them in a pleasing manner around your breasts and/or vagina?
OP Have you tried smoking to look cool? Teenagers do it and they all seem like they're with it.
There should be a tax on some words. It might keep "journalists" and bloggers from using words like "study" and "research" in such a reckless manner.
I could have been a load of things affecting it beyond a single week off. I've had weeks where I PR'd 4 out of 5 days on most lifts and then had to drop a significant amount off the bar on the last day because of lack of rest, not getting enough to eat, etc. Put half the weight you dropped back on the bar in your next…
Sardelsa log on to MFP and I be all like...
To be fair, a significant portion of those in the fitness industry are a little more about the industry and a little less about the fitness.
My god I think they've converted me just by the sheer act of mindless repetition. CICO doesn't work for everyone just like gravity doesn't work for everyone. QED BIRDS! Now I understand it all and have never felt thinner!
This: And This: /endthread
Well someone has certainly been reading his Nietzsche and Dostoevsky. What a bleak *kitten* view of existence to have and foist upon others.
You people....arguing with scientists and what not. *disapproving head shake* If you keep that up...
Hmmm.... A "scientist" who doesn't understand the difference between a method of calorie control (likesay...calorie counting) and the acronym describing the change in energy balance that must take place before weight loss can occur under any form of what is commonly called "dieting" (aka CICO). Nor does the supposed…
Oh look, this bull *kitten* again.
I'll try to answer this without letting a few bad experiences of my own come into play, or having it colored by the current cultural narrative and/or president, but it will be difficult. (But not really because it's impossible to know whether or not those things have anything at all to do with the situation presented, and…
If personal freedom resulted in personal responsibility 100% of the time then I would say yes. personal freedom is paramount. However as long as we live in a nation where the results of my personal freedom become a cost for others (healthcare, use of national/state infrastructure, federal/state funded emergency services,…
Saw one a while back about "blasting belly fat". Never mind the NUMEROUS forum posts in which virtually all of the mods who regularly contribute have pointed out that spot reduction is a myth. MFP blogs are wildly inconsistent with other "reliable" sources of information on here.