Sweets and soda
Hang in there you can do it! If by chance you do eat your Chinese food that doesn’t mean it over. Start tomorrow with a vengeance! I was the same way I went bought a punching bag lol
Man that grass grew back fast😂
Fun to be around
Thank you all for your much needed comments!
Easy meals are welcome I know my fellow members have some!
Anybody lol that can help us appreciated😊
It's not about being better than someone else it's about being better than you were yesterday :)
Thank you all so much for your comments! Each of you had a jewel I could use. I could not dismiss any of them. Thank you so much, it's great to have people that don't mind sharing info that will help the next persons journey easier :) Be Blessed you all! Have a successful day!
I say once a week because you can easily get discouraged. Try weighing in at the same time and I even wear the same outfit
I've learned people will always have something to say. Be happy and enjoy your fabulous size you look nice sweetie
Lol! Wow I was doing mistake #2 lol I ate the Twix but I didn't eat all my Chedder Bugle chips thanks for the insight very helpful