I do some omad, but not everyday, this is more of a scheduling issue. When I do I can say with all honesty I'm not meeting daily goal. I push for protein. Granted, I can drop weight pretty fast, but string 2-3 weeks of omad together and I'm a run down wreck, so 2 meals works a bit better for me health and overall well…
Is it necessary? No. I chose keto after getting several recommendations from my Dr's and fits with me and is working wonderfully to tackle and reverse several health issues. It isn't however a 'cure-all' for whatever ails you and will not automatically lead to fat loss, overall intake still reins…
Pretty much everything that's in the book is available in his YouTube presentations and interviews. That would be easy enough to check out to see...'is this something that I'm even interested in'?
Yes, I do understand that. I do not think it is 'the only cause' nor do I think the book offers 'the full 100%' solution. It is one but one piece.
So are you offering a different solution? Opinion? You didn't really offer anything else. The OP asked a question and I answered it and you take exception to it for some reason, but offer nothing else? Why? Hope your day gets better.
Twice. As I decided 'yes, I know, I need to lose weight', the doctors and nutritionists had decided 'you need to have weight loss surgery', no. No I do NOT! That never made sense to me. It would be like calling the plumber to re-plumb my home if my roof was leaking. So, with this time, I got a new doctor, it took…
Unfortunately we can't spot reduce...but..but..have you ever seen a big fat biker dude? Picturing my Uncle right now. He was fat everywhere, except his forearms, he worked on bikes an average of 6 hours a day, turning wrenches. His forearms were ripped.
I personally think it's an awesome book. It delivers information that is applicable to a lot of people, me included. Should people move more? Yep. Should they eat real food instead of crap? Yep Does everyone have insulin resistance? No. But those that do, this answers a lot of questions in easy to understand plain…
I buy a lot online now, or in thrift stores. Online is easier as each site has its own sizing chart...of which NONE of the companies use the same sizing chart.. I thought 'wow! When I lose the weight & then I can just grab size 'whatever' off the rack and my wardrobe life will be perfect'..but no. It either droops at the…
I ran into the same problem as I got closer to goal. I started cutting foe 2 months & maintenance for 1. Works much better than I thought it would! :smiley:
My knees are bony now, makes for an uncomfortable night sleep. People are *kind* enough to point out how hugely, enormously, monstrously FAT I used to be, some aren't that sweet about it. That one still hurts, way more than the knees ever being 'more', I was somehow worth much less.
1 do 16/8 or 18/6 depending on the days schedule. I try to mix 1-3 24-36hr fasts in the month, but sometimes that just doesn't happen for too many reasons.
As I get closer to goal, I've slowed my loss down(on purpose) and do 1 month of maintenance followed by 2 months of cutting, aiming for a target of .5-1 pound a week loss. I initially tried the 2 week approach and wasn't seeing any benefit with that time frame. The 2 week time frame may be something that you'll be able to…
I believe it's a split second spary to qualify for the '0' calories. If you, like most, including me, spray liberally..well..that's quite a few calories more. I stopped using it for that reason.
Some ideas provided in the link. Also consider..if you do follow the suggestions in the link and the rash continues you'll have to start looking for other culprits for the cause. The 'keto rash' is quite rare & being that both of you have it, it's very likely to be something you have both come in contact with.…
Excess weight can definitely cause a rise. Realistically, if you've got a Dr ordering tests...but doesn't 'understand', it's time to start Dr shopping. It could simply be the weight, could be something more serious. All you know for sure at this point is you're working with a medical professional that is at best…
All the sites suggested are fabulous. I would suggest checking out Dr Jason Fung and Dr Sarah Hallberg on YouTube. I've been eating a ketogenic plan for almost 2 years. I can't even imagine going back to a traditional food plan, the benefits to my health have been truly life changing. Lost 130#, cholesterol levels are in…
Yes, fat should be higher than protein in keto..that was obvious.
High and low days happen occasionally. That is life, so be it. It's what we do consistently that pays off.
Noticed a change and have continued to change everything...but these pesky upper arms. These upper arms are stubborn. Cardio, strength train, they don't care. Friends and family say they see a difference, but seriously, seriously, if I could just get them to decrease in size on the same pace as every other part of my…
Alright. Easy way to calculate Pick carb level, calculate protein @ 0.6 - 0.8g per kg body weight, fill in the rest with fat to make up the difference. Fat 9cal/g, carb 4cal/g, pro 4cal/g.
Holy Moly! Nevermind..definitely don't eat at that I'll send an alert off to the site asap
The easiest way to calculate macros is set your tolerable or desired carb limit, calculate needed protein & fill in the rest with fat. A good one can be found at
No, technically CICO isn't a diet. Yes, one must be in a deficit to lose weight, obviously. Clearly at 1000 cal/day that OP has listed, there is an existing deficit. The OP stated she's been on this eating plan for about a week and wanted to know she hadn't seen bigger losses, clearly expecting more. Is this perhaps what…
The keto Stix are just an unneeded expense. Keeping carbs low enough? Under 50? Under 30? A ketogenic eating plan is not THE MAGIC PILL for instant, miraculous, astounding weight loss. Like anything else, it does take time. As much time as cico? Probably not, I haven't found that to be the case and I've been eating keto…
Cream or 1/2&1/2
Cooking and refridgerating easily digestible starch changes the chemical composition to a resistant starch. Essentially its more 'fiber-like' and not easily digested. As we can't really digest or break it down, then we can’t get the calories or energy from it. Works with more than just rice...but...but, chances are it's…
Found a recipe in Google search for Aquafaba meringue 'cookies'. Must at some point be able to bake it.