Yes I feel it. In the video you can see that my abs are contracting. Still need to inprove form and get used to the range of motion. I think it's more difficult that it looks, because your hips need to stay stable and the range of motion needs to be correct. I see alot of people movinf their hips, just like leg raises alot…
Okay yeah just curious, because I started working out again like 2 months ago, after being out for 1 year hahahah I was lazy. Now hitting the gym hardcore 5x a week, 2x legs. I eat proper. Protein/ carbs/ veggies/ fiber/ fruits etc. No softdrinks, only water/ tea Don't smoke/ barely drink alcohol. I made a lot of gainz,…
So sort of like a the beginning position of a pull up/ lat pull down by contracting shoulder blades and then from there do the leg raises? Today I did the captains chair, will try out these tips on Monday.
Many thanks! Active and packed? Do I have to retract my shoulder blades to be ij the correct position?
Like shoulder presses? Is it normal to have a stretched feeling? Cause I'm hanging.
Yeah, during the excerize I don't feel pain/ discomfort. Just after my set, slight discomfort in the anterior delt. I also feel a strech, but this is probably because I am hanging.
What do you mean by needs more help? Need more strenght? So would you advose me to continue this excersize and "discomfort" will go away. Or improve strenght and then come back to his excersize later?