ChrisC2013 Member


  • I'm not really a mushroom person but I have to say that looks really tasty. I'm thinking I at least need to try it.
    in Recipes Comment by ChrisC2013 March 2017
  • Add me too!! I'm only down 2.2 pounds and have a least 98 more to go.
  • I can relate to what you are saying. And it sucks. I too want to lose the weight at a faster rate and I lose patience when I work hard all week for a .8 loss. This is normal. No one can fault you for that. And here's the "but" you knew was coming. BUT try to not give up. A quick Google search will show you that losing…
  • I haven't started an exercise routine to my journey yet but in the past I found that varying what I did kept me interested. I started walking first and then did the couch to 5k program and started jogging. Then I moved to videos and classes. I even did a belly dancing class which was uber fun for me. I think this time I'd…
  • Hello, Everyone!! My name is Christine. I've been reading all your introductions and it's made me feel better about my situation. I AM NOT ALONE!! :smiley: Thank you everyone for being brave enough to share your stories because now I'm not ashamed to share mine. I am 41 years old, 5'2ish", and currently weight 250.8 lbs as…