Me myself and I
Unexpected day off
Relaxing after a good chest workout
Just finished for the day
Thank you
Me myself and I
Just chilling
Just chilling.
It's just for fun
Lol I walked right into that one
Why thank you. I've been working out lol
Your right I think I need to change that pic :)
I have a physical job and I didn't realise how many calories I was burning at work until I linked my Fitbit with this app. Now I'm aware of it I've been constantly consuming more carlories. And at last I'm starting to put on weight. I'm seeing a strength change in me and I've been told the heavier you are the more strength…
Well I'm not quite at that point. I definitely think I could still gain a few more pounds
lol I wish all I had to do was look at a dumbbell. I enjoy training and sometimes while at the gym I don't want to leave. Apart from leg days lol. That seems like a completely different animal. And to be honest I have been known to skip legs. I'm learning this is another big mistake I have been making.
I guess the best thing I can do is take some measurements so I can see what's going on. When I started working out I had this idea in my head that all I needed to do was lift some weights. I'm now starting to realise how small a part that actually is.
Oh wow thanks I didn't realise that. I thought the more calories you consume the better. So for me I want to gain mass but ideally muscle mass. How much of a surplus would you recommend ?.
I think I'm gonna enjoy this course of bulking. Ive spent so long trying to avoid those types of food because I've been so worried about getting fat. And In turn not getting a surplus of calories. But needs must. Thanks for your advice
Thank you for the thread. It makes a little more sense to me now. I now know that in order for me to gain muscle mass I'm also going to gain body fat. And I guess one day I'll have to shred. That will be another whole new discussion I know nothing about.