nch5013 Member


  • 2011-->2014-->2019-->2020 ~215 to ~175 and still truckin. I always knew I had a big noggin but didn't realize the difference til I was looking lately. Shew!
  • This isn't a recipe (eek! I'm lazy with the baking! and it never turns out well so I've quit trying!), but I've tried (purchased) these: SoLo carb bread, Thinslim, and Paleothin. SoLo is 3g per slice and is by far the BEST bread I've found. Springy, not dense, toasts well and can be eaten just thawed. Thinslim is OK - it…
  • So of course the kick the ever dead horse already, the electrolytes and sodium especially (sodium --> hyponatremia) are the main things to watch for when drinking too much water. The fall in extracellular osmolality causes water to move into brain cells, in extreme cases. This causes them to swell which increases the…