woodywoodster Member


  • 7 March ................ 12st 10lb 14 March............... 12st 11lb 21 March................12st 8 1/2 28 March (12st 5lb) all going well :-/ Don't think am gonna make it :(
  • Me neither. Takes the fun out of this, u have to cut and past your old post then add comments to it.
  • Aldi & lidl, cheap as chips :)
  • Just started using fitness pal again. I had stopped using it because it stopped syncing with my Microsoft band, anyway, this little challenge is just what I need. My daughter is getting married in October, so need all the support I can get. 7 March ................ 12st 10lb 14 March............... 12st 11lb 21…
  • I was the same. Couldn't find my post in the challenges, then I discovered there is 2 chats with similar names. 5lbs in March. Just look for the one that has new posts and that's the one u are commenting on. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  • Just started using fitness pal again. I had stopped using it because it stopped syncing with my Microsoft band, anyway, this little challenge is just what I need. My daughter is getting married in October, so need all the support I can get. 7 March 12st 10lb 14 March 21 March 28 March (12st 5lb) all going well :-/