Congratulations! How did you find a coach? I feel that I'm at an impass :|
I think I may have lost 1 inch around my waist. We'll see if my body fat percentage decreases over the next few weeks.
Update: in 6 weeks I've lost 1.4 lbs and gained 1 lb back. Clearly my body hates me, but feeling is mutual. :(
Yeah I have to stick to my carbs. I noticed previously that I was getting muscle cramps and more headaches with lower carbs
Thanks everyone for your replies! I'll stick to my current routine for another month before making any changes (such as cutting carbs).
My BMR is 1586 cal. It's hard for me to limit carbs more but I will try. I have a smoothie with 1.5 cups fruit after a workout so I can feed my muscles, and I started eating oatmeal because 1. I was eating eggs before and my LDL was high and 2. I found that the carbs helped my daily tension headaches. I will look into an…