@psuLemon Thanks for your advice! I'll dim down the cardio and focus more on performance (with weights?).
@donkey9512 Yeah my personal trainer told me that your muscles actually build on rest days after hitting the gym. Gym time is when you're ripping the muscle fibres. When resting, you're letting your muscles repair themselves and become stronger. So in reality, going to the gym isn't building your muscles, but rather a…
@MichSmish Thanks, I plan to follow my plan, and increase my calories and incorporate some rest days!
@Causalien I think even some hardcore female bodybuilders and athletes lose their menstrual period when they go below a certain body fat %. Thanks for your input! I'll get my body fat % checked at the doctor's.
@jgnatca That sounds solid. I think I'll incorporate 2 rest days a week because my workouts aren't that intensive.
@usmcmp Thanks! I'll ask my doctor to see what my body fat % is. Hopefully that'll clear it up.
@jgnatca Thank you for your advice! Should rest days be every other day?
@usmcmp It was a scale. How inaccurate is it?