RobzMonty Member


  • Please feel free to add me. For 2017, I'm on the 1 lb a week for a year plan. :smile: ...then I'm going on a diet to lose 25lbs. SW: 272 GW: sub-200ish. Currently: 247ish (depends on the meal :neutral: )
  • I hate people who hide behind a clipart for their profile pic. ...oh wait. maybe that's why I'm fat?! dammit jim. I just realized I hate myself. Eh. I'll get over it... :smile: 23 down, 29 to go. 1 lb a week for a year, America!! Do it!
  • Groundhog Day here... repeated Week 3 Day 3 for the 11th time. Scare-red of the 5 minute jaunt on Week 4 Day 1... and treadmill is way easier than a road walk/jog.
  • People of the MFP and you other folks, I've been at this umm 80 something days. Lost 23.1 lbs. so yay, whatever. exactly how does one eat 2,000 calories?? I just can't hit that number. If you're already awesome and thinking of replying with 'dude. just cut out this and that and pick healthy alternatives...yada,…