campoe30 Member


  • Hello, my name is Ellen also. I just rejoined. I lost 42 pounds 2 years ago but I have gained back 20. Uggg! Just track your calories and don’t beat yourself up if you cheat. Just keep going.
  • Hello, welcome. It is a struggle. That was a mean thing for your sister in law to say! I gained 30 pounds after taking cymbalta for pain. I quit taking it and with my fitness pal I lost 43 pounds in 8 months. It has been a year now and I have gained back 10. It is such a struggle. So I am back logging my food before it…
  • Aren't we so hard on ourselves about aging. After all, we should consider ourselves lucky to be around. The alternative is not very good! I think it is hard for everyone. Lifting weights always helps because the muscle will fill in the space and it will help with calorie burning. Also, using a really good lotion and…
  • Sometimes your body will just plateau and it can be frustrating. Just keep it up, drink lots of water, and maybe get on the scale less. The weight will come off.
  • Hi. I'm 57 and trying to lose this fat that crept up on me. Lost 11 pounds so far. 40 to go. Add me if you can relate.
  • If you were the only one who did this, the diet industry would not be making billions and zillions of dollars. That is why it is important not to beat yourself up when you fall, just call it a break and keep on going. Lifestyle, not diet.. that is what I keep telling myself.