wilsonsprom Member


  • Good for you Koser. Sounds like you've had a real battle. Good to be here and have support: I suspect it'll take a long time to recover our health and well being.
  • Maybe think about perfectionism. Often I get stuck in this: not starting because it's all too big.
  • Please look after yourself. Remember that weight is only one part of you. What else is important to you? What matters? Defining yourself as a failure because of your eating is horrible and cruel. I second the value or therapy, if you can afford it. Something isn't right if it's so damned hard. And for the moment, I would…
  • Thank you. It's been such a marathon. But still feeling dogged. And love rosellas!!!
  • Thanks Rugratz. To be honest, I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed, but I guess I just need to be dogged. I really appreciate the support. Sometimes it's a bit too tough and it's easy to just feel sorry for myself