Hi! Just wondering what this app/ scale is from your photo that says SHIZ? Thanks so much!
I also prefer to weigh myself everyday. I find it makes me much less anxious because there isn't a build up to getting weighed. It also allows me to understand fluctuations.
I have 5-6 small meals a day... so lots of snacking here. * .5 cup cottage cheese * 90 cals of whole grain crackers with 100cals of guacamole * Carrots with 1 TBSP hummus * Walnuts or Almonds * Protein smoothie
I am a 39 year old mom to two girls (7 & 10). I do a workout tape at home most days, while my kids are entertaining themselves and I try to get to the gym 4 days a week. I work from home 2 days, and then also go on the weekends while my husband watches the kids. On weekends I BBQ chicken breast and cut it up and put into a…
Have you tried the calculator to help you with your macros? You look quite slim in your photo and I know it is harder to lose when you are already slimmer. Somethings that have helped me. * Use the IIFYM calculator for marcros * Eat as clean as you can - that can be a deal…
LOL... Actually, I guess my high weight was 175 when I was preggo. :wink: But I guess I don't count that since so much of it was baby/ water weight.
I am at the same weight with same goal. :) My goal weight is also 115. My plan is to fluctuate my calories (1300-1700) keeping my macros at 40-30-30, and doing the 21 Day Fix to start, as well as incorporating in more walking etc. I should be able to get to the low 120s fairly easily but under that takes a lot of effort!
Age - 39 Height - 5'7.5 HW = 150 (when I was 17) CW = 130 (my weight likes to be around 120-128) LW = 112 GW = 115