sabinki Member


  • @happysherri Happy happy birthday
  • So yesterday after having some great sucesses of not only fitting into but size 1x capri's being big and losing 1.2 lbs what did i do?? Eat some ice cream and 5, yes 5, granola bars ugh!! Oh well back at good eating. I did burn 551 calories mowing my lawn though but still went over my calories.
  • @alaskandelight that ice cream sounds yummy! Im going to have to try it!! I think im going to head outside and mow my lawn. I made crock pot potato/beef soup for the family and was going to make homemade bread to go with it but dont want to turn on the oven because its hot today, well for us 85 is hot in Oregon this time…
  • Morning all! Ok today is going to be one of those days that I fight with myself over food. Specifically eating when im not hungry. I have very little cleaning to do and am home alone til 3:40 sooooo im going to try and do some squats, lunges or push up's when that feeling hits. Atleast that's my plan lol. Im also going to…
  • So was going to try and add some more friends. I did it once but can't figure out how to do it now! So i guess if you would like to be friends please add me
  • Hey Ladies I have missed reading everyone encouraging words!! I have been super busy! Hope you are all having a great Monday!! I finally hit my 30lbs gone mark two days ago!! Working on not eating bad right now. Stupid period lol but i have not given in yet!! Oh and getting in more water.
  • Ok i have to confess to you all. Yesterday I ate 4 mini cupcakes and some baklava. I also had some chicken strips. Ugh but im not going to beat myself up over it. What's done is done right!?!? Back to good eating and lots of water now! I did gardening yesterday and today is cleaning because my parents are coming to visit…
  • @happysherri lol im trying to get my calories!! So yesterday I did awesome on my water! I got 125 ounces in and moved alot more! Todays goals are keep up on the water. I have lots of cleaning and laundry ( which includes two sets of stairs in my house) after that if I still have time im going to turn on the Xbox connect…
  • @ParanormaLauren I totally agree!! Im already doing better on my water for the day! Also moving more
  • I love all the positive attitudes about this weekend! My weekend was pretty quiet. Just my honey and three kiddos. Yesterday i did an egg hunt for my girls (even though they are 13 and 17 lol they loved it) and walked around with them to burn some more calories. Was bad because i didnt eat breakfast or lunch and dinner was…
  • Sorry about the last post. I did not mean to post it and can't delete it
  • content://media/external/file/10091
  • @mbam89 thanks. I just have my phone though.
  • @alaskandelight welcome! I have only been on this thred a few day and they are awesome!! I totally agree about some of the other ones! I love reading everyones up and downs and encouraging words❤
  • How do you add pictures to your comments?
  • So i did it yesterday!! No snacking or binging! I was rewarded this morning with a big loss. Guess the dancing and singing helped lol. Happy Friday lovely ladies hope you all have a great day!!
  • @jessiquoi those sound yummy!! You are doing awesome!
  • Morning everyone. I am really glad that i found this group! You are all so positive and supportive of everyone!! I love it!! Im a little sore today from all the weeding and planting i did yesterday but cant wait to eat all the yummy vegies growing. Im home alone today while husband and son are at work and girls are at…
  • Yesterday was great! Hit 25 pounds and enjoyed a hamburger ( our own grass fed beef) and some candy. Enjoyed it! I am not mad that i did. Today got lots of stuff to do in the garden. I need to start tracking my food s little better so im going to work on that. Have a great day everyone. You are all beautiful!! BTW…
  • @mbam89 thank you!
  • I love reading all of your posts! Its so nice to know that im not the only one that loves to eat lol! Today was a great morning, i finally hit 25 pounds gone!! Trying to move more and eating good. I just have a hard time eating all the calories per day that im suppose to eat. Still have a long weight loss journey but i…